Sarvar Suleymanli has had many successful legal cases for and against international companies, banks, and state companies. He helped a significant number of local businesses with various legal issues. Sarvar Suleymanli’s approach is to conduct a careful investigation into a particular issue before developing a clear and coherent case strategy focused on achieving your goals.
Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Law (Istanbul University and Selcuk University, Turkey).
Associate Professor of Law (Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan).
Practice Areas
Co-founder of the Alliance Law Center.
Considered one of the most qualified specialists in Corporate and Commercial law in Azerbaijan.
Has immense pedagogical experience and is the author of about 40 scientific works, including the book “Basics of Civil Law”.
His scientific works, thoughts and proposals have a big role in fundmanetally changing legal court practice in Azerbaijan.
Member of the Scientific Council of the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Provided opinion on many draft laws adopted in the Republic of Azerbaijan.